M.S.W., R.S.W.
Can Love Last Through All of Life's Ups and Downs?
This question is not uncommon in many relationships. Whether you are in distress or in a good relationship, life's pressures seems to test our relationships. We all get caught in negative patterns that make us feel stuck. You might be tired of having the same argument over and over without any resolution, maybe there is a lack of communication between you and your partner, or perhaps you just feel disconnected from each other. These challenges are difficult and often leave us feeling scared, helpless, and/or alone.
Regardless of what the concerns are in your relationship, we all question how we can make it through the stressors of life, relationships, and love. Dr. Sue Johnson, best selling author and clinical psychologist says, "love is no longer a mystery". We now know what it really takes to make a relationship work. Based on 20 years of clinical research, Dr. Johnson developed Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) to help many couples overcome issues and challenges in their relationships. She has
revolutionized the field of couples therapy, and this is why I am excited to share the EFT model with my clients. Through EFT I provide a safe and comfortable environment for you, as a couple, to recreate safety in your relationship, heal from your wounds, and repair your bond.
I provide a short - term, four session assessment for couples. At the end of the four sessions, I provide feedback and review some recommendations. Recommendations may include: attachment styles, relationship patterns, impact from childhood, next steps and/or a therapy plan.
Note: These recommendations do NOT include any diagnoses.
I provide on - going therapy for those who may or may not have previously met with me for an assessment. Using Emotionally Focused Therapy, I explore couples' attachment needs and help define their relationship patterns. Through this work couples are commonly able to repair their bond.
For more information about EFT, please visit:
International Centre of Excellence for Emotionally Focused Therapy
Dr. Sue Johnson's website
Below is a list of possible issues of why couples might come to counselling, as well as a list of services I provide:
unresolved conflict
sexuality/sexual problems
attachment concerns
marriage preparation
communication issues
managing finances
blended families
dealing with hurts
building a better bond/healthier relationship
parenting concerns
intimacy issues
Couples Workshop
For more information about workshops please click on the HOLD ME TIGHT tab under FEES AND SERVICES.